Slovenia’s waters and aquatic life are a paradise for anglers. In rivers, lakes and ponds of varying greenish tinges there live numerous species of freshwater fish, of which over 20 are of interest to anglers. The majority can be fished for and caught with artificial flies. But your hunt might have to be restrained slightly, as Slovenia promotes catch and release. The rivers of Slovenia are still relatively clean. Limestone is the predominant bedrock, which gives the landscape its characteristic look, and gives the clear waters a very attractive green colour. Limestone’s buffering capacity neutralises the effects of acid rain, which means that the pH of the water is ideal (between 7 and 8).
Rivers Most of Slovenia’s rivers belong to the Danube basin, i.e. the Black Sea drainage basin, but a quarter are in the Adriatic drainage basin. The latter has some indigenous species, which naturally adds an extra dimension to the variety of the fish populations. The marble trout andAdriatic grayling are notable. Attractions of the Danube basin rivers include the huchen, a relative of the taimen and salmon, the brown trout and the grayling. Coarse anglers can enjoy fishing for nase, Danube roach, chub and barbel in Slovenia.
Lakes Fishing on Slovenia’s lakes has a specific charm, as you can enjoy the beautiful, well-preserved environment while fishing for some of the largest species of fish. You might catch a huge wels catfish, a pike or a carp. Carp as heavy as 20 kg are not rare.
Fly fishing Fly fishing is the favourite form of angling in Slovenia. Slovenian anglers have been fly fishing for more than a hundred years. Some of the first artificial flies to appear originated in Slovenia. The familiar Behmfliege has its roots in the Soča area. Fly fishing in Slovenia was first used for catching trout species and grayling, alongside which the odd chub and huchen was caught. In recent decades fly fishing has been expanded to the vast majority of other fish species.
Match fishing Several match fishing tournaments are held in Slovenia every year. Float fishing is the most common form used for match fishing. Once the fish have been weighed by the judges, the competitors return them to the water.
Regulations Fishing is generally allowed in Slovenia in all parts of rivers and lakes, but in those classed as water of special importance, angling is only allowed in fishing reserves. A permit is required for angling, and there are other regulations that must be observed.